All Horseshoeing Courses and Programs: Should a student choose to enroll in a longer horseshoeing course or program, he will be automatically credited for time and tuition already spent. All Courses: If for any reason whatsoever, the student wishes to continue his or her education in the same field at the end of his or her course, the student is entitled to stay and continue at the weekly rate set out in the student application. Enrollment will only be extended upon the written request of the student. Please take the time to be sure that you are enrolling in the length of course that best suits your needs. If you are unsure of your level of commitment to shoeing horses, then please enroll in the two week or eight-week course. If you really like shoeing horses and want to upgrade your length of enrollment then you may upgrade to the next higher-level course at no penalty whatsoever. In other words, if you would like to upgrade you would pay the difference between the normal tuition charges for the course you are in and the course you are upgrading to.
Any student in good standing at the Oklahoma Horseshoeing School may upgrade the length of his or her enrollment at any time. No student may downgrade the length of the course for which he or she is enrolled once you have started class.
Any student being sponsored to enroll in school by an agency should choose the longest course that he/she might like to attend school. The reason for this is that some agencies will not allow you to either upgrade or downgrade your length of enrollment. So, please make sure when you are deciding that you decide on the course that will best suit your needs. VA Students can upgrade and downgrade according to VA policies.
You must be physically fit and have a genuine desire to learn the trade. You must be between 15 and 65 years of age. High school students may attend the Oklahoma Horseshoeing School during high school breaks and summers only, unless they have a letter of approval from their principal. This school is authorized under Federal Law to enroll non-immigrant alien students. VA Students must provide all prior credit for your file. BUT no credit will be allowed for any previous training or education.
Any student attending class on VA benefits can interrupt or suspend training due to military service obligations. Student will be readmitted at our first available start date that the student is available for.
Here at OHS we use a percentage grading system. Students are graded on their practical skills, on written exams and a completion grade for homework. One grade is given daily for homework and one grade is given daily for participation and work performed in the barn. At the end of each week, these grades are averaged together. An overall grade of 80 percent or higher must be achieved to receive a Certificate. Each student will progress at a different level. The Oklahoma Horseshoeing School asks only that students put forth their best efforts to reach their potential. A weekly class and barn average will be available to the student upon request each Tuesday. If a student has a below 80 average for any two weeks in a row, they will be called in to sign an advisory form and discuss options to make them successful. At this time the student will begin a probationary period in which they have two weeks to bring their grade to an 80 or above. Students with four weeks being below the required average are subject to dismissal. Any examination or assignment that does not receive a passing grade will be redone. Academic examinations may be taken either written or orally, at the student’s option. A final written test and shoeing test will be given on the final week of your course. You must pass these exams to complete your course. Exams can be re-taken if not passed on first attempt. (Any and all work missed MUST be completed.)
Please note: Our standards are very high. Remember that when a customer pays you for a job, he has every right to expect excellent work. We are happy to take as much time as necessary to help you meet these high standards.
These are some of the items your instructors will grading you on in your barn time.
Shoe level
Nail placement
Nail fit
Heel checks
Understanding the function of the shoe
Proper trimming
Shoe fit
Nail Placement
Student must be present at graduation to receive their certificate.
Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover Card are accepted, as well as, cash, cashier’s check or money order. The School cannot accept personal checks, please do not ask us to do so.
Refund Policy:
The Refund Policy applies to all terminations for any reason, by either party, including student decision, expulsion, course or program cancellation, or School closure.
1) Termination date for refund computation purposes shall be the last date of classroom attendance by the student. The school requires notice of cancellation or withdrawal to be given to the school in writing. A penalty will be charged for failure to notify school in writing, this penalty will not exceed $ 25.00.
2) Any applicant rejected by the school (not accepted for enrollment) or whose class is discontinued shall be refunded all tuition and enrollment fee paid.
3) Any two-week student requesting termination of enrollment within the first 1/4 of the course (before 5pm on Wednesday of their first week) shall be refunded all monies paid minus the ($150.00 enrollment fee plus 1/4 the total tuition paid). Any two-week student requesting termination of his/her studies after the initial 1/4 of the course but within the first ½ of the course (before 3pm on Saturday of their first week) shall be refunded all monies paid minus the ($150.00 tuition enrollment fee plus ½ the total tuition paid). Any two-week student requesting termination of enrollment after having attended more than ½ of the course shall not be entitled to any refund. This does not apply to any student using Veteran’s Educational Benefits.
4) Any student of a course longer than two weeks who requests termination of enrollment shall be refunded as follows: Any student requesting termination of enrollment within the first week of study shall be refunded all monies paid minus 10% of the contract price of the course plus the $150.00 enrollment fee (not to exceed $350.00). Any student requesting termination of enrollment after the first week but within the first 25% of the course shall be refunded all monies paid minus 25% of the cost of the course plus the $150.00 enrollment fee. (This does not apply to any student using Veteran’s Education Benefits)
Any student requesting termination of enrollment after the first 25% of the course but within the first 50% of the course shall be refunded all monies paid minus 50% of the cost of the course plus the $150.00 enrollment fee.
Any student requesting termination of enrollment after more than the first 50% of the course shall not be entitled to any refund.
(This does not apply to any student using Veteran’s Education Benefits)
5) Any student using Veteran’s Educational Benefits whose enrollment is terminated for any reason shall be refunded on a pro rata basis. The school shall retain the approximate pro rata amount of tuition and fees respective to the time the student participated in training, as measured from the first day of training to the last day of class attended.
6) In the case of prolonged illness or accident, death in the immediate family or other circumstances which make it impractical for the student to complete the program, the school shall make a settlement which is fair and reasonable to both parties.
7) Any refund due the applicant (including after dismissal) shall be made within 30 days of cancellation, termination or dismissal.
8) Books and tools received by the student are non-refundable.
9) Any holder of this consumer credit contract is subject to all claims and defenses which the debtor could assert against the seller of goods and services obtained pursuant or with the proceeds hereof. Recovery shall not exceed the amounts paid by the debtor.
We consider our method of instruction to be the safest found anywhere. However, due to the problems of liability insurance in running a school of this nature, a release will be required from every student before he is permitted to attend class. No one under 18 years of age will be admitted to class without a release signed by his or her parent or guardian.
Attendance is essential to benefit from instruction. A student may be absent for no more than 10% of scheduled training up to and including the day of the absence.
Attendance Checks
Attendance checks are conducted throughout each class day. (e.g., start of class, after lunch, and end of class.)
A student is considered tardy if they arrive 5 minutes late for class (in the morning, after lunch, or returning from breaks.) Every three times a student is tardy will be treated as a one-day absence.
Excused Absences
Absences for the reasons described below will be excused if prior notice and/or proper documentation is provided. Absences cannot be excused without documentation. Excused absences will not be counted as an attendance violation. Extended or frequent excused absences may require a Leave of Absence (LOA).
- Illness- (a doctor’s note or proof of hospital stay is required.)
- Bereavement-(documentation of death/funeral is required.)
- Jury Duty-(verification of Jury Duty attendance is required.)
- Military Duty-(copy of military orders or other military duty documentation is required)
- Veterans Administration Appointment-Mandatory (documentation of the VA appointment is required.)
Excused Absences
A student who has been absent for 5% of the scheduled training will be required to sign an attendance policy acknowledgement upon their return to class. The student will be provided a copy of the acknowledgement.
A student absent for more than 10% of scheduled training up to and including the day of the absence will be withdrawn from the program, effective the end of their last day of attendance.
Example 1: A student is absent without prior notice and/or proper documentation on Friday of their first week of class. This absence is not excused because prior notice and/or proper documentation was not provided. The student missed one (1) out of five (5) days of training up to and including the day of the absence; 20% of scheduled training. This student will be withdrawn from training.
Example 2: A student is absent without prior notice and/or proper documentation on Friday of their second week of class. This absence is not excused because prior notice and/or proper documentation was not provided. The student missed one(1) out of ten (10) days of training up to and including the day of the absence; 10% of scheduled training. This student will be required to sign an attendance policy acknowledgement upon their return to class and will be provided a copy of the acknowledgement.
Example 3: A student is absent with prior notice and proper documentation for a day of National Guard Duty. This absence is excused.
Example 4: A student is absent with prior notice and proper documentation for a military deployment. This absence is excused, but because of the extended nature, the student will be granted a leave of absence.
Make-Up Work
Make-up work is required for all missed class time. All failed course components must be retaken. Make-up work and retakes should be scheduled in advance and are to be completed during normal class hours or on Saturdays with an appointment. Make-up and retakes must be completed within two weeks. Retakes must be completed prior to moving on to the next unit. Unscheduled work, work not documented with a signed and dated Make-up/Retake form, or work that does not cover the missed or failed training will not be counted toward completion of that training goal.
If a student is withdrawn from the program for absences or failed course work, they will NOT be allowed to re-enter.
Leave of Absence (LOA) Policy
Students must fill out a Leave of Absence (LOA) request form and turn it into the office. The request must be submitted in advance, unless unforeseen circumstances prevent the student from doing so. There must be a reasonable expectation that the student will return from the LOA in order for the request to be approved.
A student no longer attending classes and not approved for a leave of absence will be considered withdrawn as of the last date the student attended classes.
A student failing to return from an approved LOA is considered to have withdrawn on the day that the student began the approved LOA.
Students are expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner at all times. Any excessive abuse of Oklahoma Horseshoeing School rules, including insubordination, use of alcohol or drugs, or serious misconduct, will be cause for termination of enrollment. THERE WILL BE NO RE-ENTRY TO THE PROGRAM IF YOU ARE DISMISSED FOR MIS-CONDUCT. VA students dismissed for breaking the conduct policy will be refunded according to OHS Refund Policy.
1. No drugs or alcohol in dorms, around dorms, or on any property belonging to OHS. Any infraction of this rule will be grounds for immediate dismissal.
2. No males or females in, at or around the opposite sex dorm at any time and no unauthorized persons at any time.
3. OHS only allows 10% absence from class. 3 tardies count as one absence. All work must be made up by student on his own time. A student absent for more than 10% of scheduled training up to and including the day of the absence will be withdrawn from the program, effective the end of their last day of attendance. Sign-outs are on EMERGENCY basis only. School is Monday-Saturday. All emergency sign-out must be approved by instructor and checked out by the office. NO EXCEPTIONS! This Policy will be strictly enforced.
4. Dorms will be kept clean at all times, every day, including weekends, outside and around dorms. Dorm inspection will be done daily, 3 dorm disciplinary write-ups will result in student being evicted from dorms. The student will then need to provide his/her own lodging.
5. Rooms are assigned and changes may not be made without authorization from the office. If you are found to not be in your assigned room, you will receive a disciplinary write-up. Do not move to any room you have not been assigned.
6. Respect other students and their property at all times. Stealing of any kind is grounds for immediate dismissal.
7. Locking students out of the dorms will NOT BE TOLERATED and will result in immediate eviction from the dorms.
8. Speed limit on school and dorm grounds is 15mph. Please obey at all times. Students shall not park in certain posted areas at any time.
9. Students are NOT allowed to have pets on any OHS property.
10. Weapons of any kind are NOT allowed. Period. Threatening with or use of a weapon against anyone while on any OHS property is grounds for dismissal and possible ground for legal actions.
11. NO hitting or abusing of horses on OHS property. This will be grounds for immediate dismissal from school with no tuition refund. This does not apply to any student using Veteran’s Education Benefits.
12. Safety glasses MUST be worn at all times in the shoeing barn and shop.
13. Cell phones are NOT allowed in the classrooms or the barns.
14. You MUST attend class every morning or you WILL NOT be assigned a horse for that day.
15. Students MUST stay until the end of class on their last day to receive their certificate or diploma. Students who do not attend the last day of class will be given a final grade of INCOMPLETE.
GRIEVANCE POLICY: All complaints should be brought to the attention of the Director. Complaints and appeals should be well-documented in writing and submitted to the Director prior to appealing to any off-campus authority. Should OHS not be able to resolve a student complaint, the student has the right to contact agencies and authorities outside the school. Complaints can be filed with the following agencies:
LICENSED BY: Oklahoma Board of Private Vocational Schools
3700 N Classen Blvd #250
Oklahoma City, OK 73118
(405) 528-3370
Approved by Oklahoma Department of Veterans Affairs State Approving Agency