The Basic Horseshoeing Course is a two-week course that provides a sound foundation of horseshoeing skills. It is designed for the person who plans to shoe part-time while maintaining his present employment or attending college. The intent of this course is to teach you to shoe your own horses and perhaps build up a part-time clientele. Many graduates of the Basic Horseshoeing Course have built their clientele into a full-time business; however, we do not recommend this. If you want to be a professional farrier, we would like to have you in school for at least eight weeks or longer if possible.
For those of you who are on vacation from work, rest assured that upon successful completion of the two-week course, you will have learned sound basic horseshoeing. You may return to school to continue your education at any time. Upon graduation from the Basic Horseshoeing Course, if you work at shoeing horses, you will be able to turn out the same high-quality work you learned at school at the rate of one horse shod per hour within one month’s time.This is not considered a vocational course and therefore is not eligible for VA Benefits.
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LENGTH: 2 weeks (108 hours of instruction)15% Classroom, 85% hands-on-work

CLASS DATES: 2 weeks (108 hours of instruction)15% Classroom, 85% hands-on-work


Lectures, Reading Assignments and Demonstrations (18 hours)

Basic Anatomy: 5 Hours

  • Anatomy of the Hoof and Leg
  • Proper Angle of the Hoof

Basic Corrections for Traveling and Problems: 3 Hours

Basic Therapeutic Shoeing: 6 Hours

  • Lameness of the Hoof and Leg

Introduction to Forge Work: 1 Hour

Determining a Horse’s Age: 1 Hour

How to start and run your own business: 2 Hours

Horseshoeing: (90 hours)

Basic Horseshoeing: 75 Hours

  • Shoeing and/or every day
  • Training horses to Stand and be Shod

Handcrafting from raw steel: 15 Hours

  • Forepunch
  • Pritchel
  • Basic front shoe
  • Basic hind shoe
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